Application Skim Milk on Making Kefir Soy Milk



Soy milk is a nutrient-rich drink. One way to improve the quality of soy milk by processing it into a probiotic drink is kefir. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of additional concentration of skim milk on the quality of kefir is seen from the physical properties of chemistry and microbiology. This research uses Completely Randomized Design (RAL) method. This research was conducted in two stages concentration of skim milk addition that is 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% . The prameters used were total microbes, pH, alcohol content and TSS. The result of statistical analysis on each parameter gives the following conclusion:. The addition of skim milk had a very significant effect on p <0.01 on total microbial, pH, alcohol content and TSS


Kefir, Skim Milk, Soy Milk

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