Internet of Things: Home Security System based on Raspberry Pi and Telegram Messenger

Sumita Wardani, Rico Wijaya Dewantoro


Installing security cameras in their homes is a common practice to keep an eye on things while they're away. However, when an unauthorized person is picked up by the security camera system, the homeowner is not notified directly.  The fact that the camera continues to record footage even when no activity is detected is another disadvantage. Using Telegram Messenger, this research creates an Internet of Things (IoT) based home security system. The Raspberry Pi camera will capture a picture and send it to the user via Telegram Messenger when the PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor detects human movement.  Homeowners can select between two functions offered by the bot on Telegram Messenger: the ability to take pictures or videos.  The maximum object detection distance between the sensor and the test subject was 6 meters, according to the test results.  It was demonstrated by the testing that the system could identify, capture, and communicate the results to the user.  Sending communications pertaining to object detection takes 4.73 seconds.  It takes 5.73 seconds for a photo request to be fulfilled, and 14.86 seconds for a movie.


Home security; Raspberry Pi; IoT; PIR Sensor; Telegram Messenger

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
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