Implementasi Augmented Reality (AR) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika Transformasi Geometri

Surya - Guntur, Zainal Azis, Tua Halomoan Harahap, Surya Wisada Dachi


This research aims to develop Augmented Reality-based mathematics learning media on Geometry Transformation material for Class This research is development research or Research and Development adapted from the ADDIE development model. Validation was carried out by media experts and material experts from Bhinneka PGRI University lecturers and SMKN 2 Boyolangu teachers. The media developed was tested on 34 students of class XI Banking 2 SMKN 2 Boyolangu. The results of the research show that the level of feasibility of Augmented Reality-based mathematics learning media on Geometry Transformation material is based on the assessment: 1) Media experts obtained a total score of 57 and if the percentage was obtained a score of 71.25%, so it is included in the "Decent" category, 2) Material experts obtained a total a score of 50 and the percentage gets a score of 62.5%, so it falls into the "Decent" category, and 3) The second material expert gives a score of 73 if the percentage gets a score of 73.75%, so it falls into the "Decent" category. The entire student questionnaire received a response percentage of 85.46% in the "Very Eligible" category. And from an individual perspective, student responses have a percentage of ÿ71.15% in the "Decent" category.


Development; Learning media; Augmented Reality; Geometric transformation

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