Image Processing Application for 2 Dimensional Image Improvement Based on Graphical User Interface (GUI) USING Matlab
Image is a 2-dimensional image that can produce some information. A lot of information can be obtained from an image if the image displays the condition of the object that has been converted into a 2-dimensional image, so that the color, shape, size and other parameters can be known. If the image is not good or not clear and is not as expected, it is necessary to improve the image. In some images, images are sometimes found that are not in accordance with expectations because they are damaged or there is a change in color and pixel defects. This can be caused by noise in the image or damage to the color caused by the length of the image. Therefore, to overcome various problems of damage to the image, it is necessary to improve the image. To improve the image, there are two things, namely the color or gray of the image and the pattern (pattern) of the image. For image repair with damage to color with a widened pixel area, it does not form a pattern but tends to occupy the area of the pixel, while pattern damage generally takes the form of breaking the similarity of the pixel values. To perform image processing or image repair at the pixel level, you can use Matlab because Matlab provides functions or commands/coding related to image processing. In addition to commands/coding, Matlab also provides a more representative form for displaying images. The GUI is a graphical user interface that can be used to display images from before and after repairs.
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