Dyla Midya Octavi, Angri Wahyudi, Citra Utami


The development of construction projects is increasing in line with the increasing human need for physical infrastructure. In construction, one of the problems that often occurs is the inefficient allocation of resources, especially labor. Manpower is one of the main resources in implementing construction projects. The use of labor in construction projects is still fluctuating, where the distribution of the need for labor during the project is uneven. Therefore, this fluctuation needs to be minimized by doing resource leveling. Resource leveling can be done using network planning in scheduling. In order to facilitate analysis, network planning scheduling was made using Microsoft Project. The results of scheduling with network planning obtained critical work and non-critical work, then resource leveling was carried out on non-critical jobs by shifting the schedule or by increasing the duration of several non-critical work items so that there was no accumulation of labor at one time. Resource Leveling does not change the project end schedule. However, the implementation of resource leveling resulted in a new scheduling, where the allocation of labor duringconstruction was more evenly distributed. So that the allocation of available labor resources can be used optimally


Tenaga Kerja, Resource Leveling, Network Planning, Microsoft Project.

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