Communication Symbols of Marriage in Minangkabaumanjapuik Marapulai Tradition on the Family-committed-relationship of Bayur Family in Medan

Beby Athiya


This study aims to analyze intercultural communication for the Minangkabau community of nomads who are members of the Bayur Family Association in the implementation of the Manjapuik Marapulai tradition, as the proposal of marriage from the female side towards the male side along with bringing the gifts as a traditional symbol. The research used qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews and observations.The results showed that there are communication symbols in the Manjapuik Marapulai tradition, which describes that men remain leaders and rule, such as traditional figures or ninik mamak who speak and lead events, which is men. Manjapuik Marapulai has a special meaning because men are highly valued and believed to be responsible in the family. Manjapuik Marapulai has special requirements, such as carano or a place that contains betel leaves, gambier, betel nut and rarely added with tobacco or cigarettes. Carano is obliged at Manjapuik Marapulai event. The event will not be started without carano. Carano is a communication that describes consensus by means of deliberation. When the Manjapuik Marapulai event is about to begin, the two families consult using traditional rhymes or petitih then when the decision has been finalized the traditional figure or family representative will eat the betel as a sign of approval.

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