Comparison of Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Healthy Adult Populations and Patients with Anxiety Disorders
Vaccine hesitancy is one of the world's health problems that poses a threat to global health. This condition is influenced by various things, one of which is a mental condition. Willingness to receive vaccines, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic is very important. This study is a cross-sectional study involving 73 patients with anxiety disorders and 63 healthy adults. About 80% of the subjects were willing to be vaccinated. Based on the level of confidence in the vaccine, 90% of the subjects (66.20%) believed in the usefulness of the vaccine. A total of 39 people (28.7%) lacked confidence in vaccines. There were 28 subjects who refused vaccination, of which 26 were anxiety sufferers. The most common reasons for reluctance to vaccinate are fear of side effects (29.4%) and fear of injections (13.2%). In this study, 80% of the subjects had been vaccinated, according to the government's vaccination target. However, to maintain the success of long-term vaccination programs in populations with certain diseases, a more specific approach is needed.
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