The Effect of Used Cooking Oil on Total Blood Cholesterol Levels in Mice (Mus Musculus L)
Abstract: Waste cooking oil is leftover cooking oil, used for frying. Cooking oil that is constantly heated and used repeatedly (>2 times) will accelerate oxidative processes that can cause the formation of fatty acids. This research was conducted to determine the effect of waste cooking oil on the total blood cholesterol levels of mice (Mus Musculus L) with different heating frequencies, namely 4, 8, and 12-time heating. This study used True Experimental or laboratory with the post-test only with a control group design method, a purposive random sampling technique of 28 selected mice divided into 4 groups each consisting of 7 mice. The results of this study found that the total cholesterol level without heating was 176.67 mg/dl, the total cholesterol level with 4-time heating was 119 mg/dl, the total cholesterol level with 8-time heating was 127.67 mg/dl, and the total cholesterol level with 12-time heating of 146.17 mg/dl. The results of this study found that the average total cholesterol level without heating was 176.67 mg/dl, the total cholesterol level with 4 times heating was 119 mg/dl, the total cholesterol level with 8 heating times was 127.67 mg/dl and the cholesterol level total with 12 times heating of 146.17. The results of the study showed a p-value of 0.006 (p <0.05). The conclusion is that there is a significant difference between the control group and the group induced by cooking oil by heating 4 times and heating 8 times, The mean total cholesterol levels in the control group cooking oil without heating and the group induced by cooking oil by heating 12 times exceeds the normal limit.
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