As our population grows older, the rate of NSTEMI patients is rising. Risk stratification is an important process for patients with Non-ST Elevation MyocardialInfarction (NSTEMI). Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) scores in the best to predict mortality and myocardial infarction in NSTEMIPatients. On the other hand, NSTEMI Patients trends to be older with moreco-morbidity. In this scenario, we need to predict the length of stay as it correlateswith the patient's prognostic and cost. This study aims to analyze factorsinfluencing the in-hospital length of stay in survivor NSTEMI Patients in fourdifferent hospitals (Adam Malik Medan National General Hospital, Pirngadi MedanGeneral Hospital, Grandmed Lubuk Pakam General Hospital, and Aceh TamiangPublic General Hospital). This was an observational study with prospectivedesign conducted on 44 patients in four different hospitals from Marchto May 2017. We only included the patients that discharged alive from the. hospital Statistical analysis was performed to assess the routine clinical and laboratoryvariables relations with the length of stay. Prolong length of stay was definedas more than 5 days. As mentioned in the previous study, older age, heart failurewill prolong the length of stay. The limitations of this study were we didn't analyzethe effect of revascularization, the co-morbidities, and the method of patients payment. We should use GRACE and TIMI risk score routinely, optimizing therapy for heart failure and giving special attention to elderly patients in NSTEMI Patients.
Keywords: NSTEMI, GRACE, Length of Stay
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