Educating Children In Improving The Quality Of Worship In Bsd Housing, Marendal Dalam, Medan

Rhaudatul Jannah, Iin Permata Puspita Sari Cibro, Iin Permata Puspita Sari Cibro, Dianto Dianto, Dianto Dianto


For everyone, education is very important, especially education for children, every child needs a good and useful upbringing in order to change the behavior and nature of children who are difficult to be advised, so that they become obedient, faithful and devoted children to Allah SWT. So what must be done is to educate children in order to create an increase in the quality of children's worship. Of course it cannot be separated from the education of parents and also educators or teachers. The purpose of this research is to provide advice and input to children in order to improve their behavior and character for the better in order to create an increase in the quality of worship for children, who will become the next generation of people who are obedient, faithful and devoted to Allah SWT. The research method used is a qualitative research method, using the type of phenometological research, namely the collection of research data in the form of observation. The results of the research are that every child in the BSD Housing, Marendal Dalam, Medan, God willing, all of them can get an education that can improve the quality of children's worship so that they become a generation of people who are obedient, faithful and devoted to Allah SWT.


Educating children, children's worship, faith in Allah

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