Islamic Education Policy Through Cultural Aspects

Malik Akbar Simanullang, Aminah Hanum


Education is essentially an effort to pass on values, which will help and determine humanity in living life, and at the same time to improve the fate and civilization of mankind. Without education, today''s humans are no different from past generations of humans, who, compared to today''s humans, have been left behind in both the quality of life and the processes of empowerment. The method used in this research is descriptive methodqualitative. The data collection techniques in this research are literature study, interview and observation.In its development, Islam has been embraced as an ethnic group. This success is closely related to the empowerment of Islamic education in the past, especially in relation to cultural aspects. Kurshid Ahmad stated that education is largely determined by the culture that underlies it. In making a policy two things must be considered, firstly the prevailing value system, secondly situational factors. National policies should be devoted to their interests for the welfare of the people in all fields including education affairs, the majority of Indonesian people Muslims really dream of a superior quality of Islamic education and entry into the national education system.


Policy, Islamic Education, Culture

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