Giving Stepping Gifts in Marriage According to Customary Law and Islamic Law

Mirsa Astuti, Ida Nadirah


This research is to look at traditional marriage traditions that apply the giving of money or gifts from a younger sibling who will carry out the wedding ahead of his older sibling. The problem is what is the meaning of giving gifts of steps to siblings in marriage and what is the view of Islamic law regarding the culture of giving gifts of steps in marriage. The method used to achieve the objectives of this research is normative legal research, which is research whose data is sourced from secondary data, the nature of this research is descriptive, which aims to provide an overview of the meaning of giving gifts or money to siblings in marriage. The results of the study show that marriage in Indonesia is still steeped in customs and traditions. One of them is the tradition of giving gifts or step money that still exists and occurs in indigenous peoples. If the younger sibling is to carry out the marriage beforehand from her older sibling, the younger sibling will prepare a gift or money as a form of respect and at the same time ask for the older sibling's blessing. The gift to be given can be negotiated in advance or voluntarily. In Islam, there is no step money or gifts from younger siblings to older siblings. Islam does not prohibit giving step money or gifts, because giving gifts to relatives, relatives or family is seen as a good deed


Giving; step gifts; marriage; customary law; Islamic law

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