Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Sampurna di Kabupaten Kampar

Fitri Aulia, Henny Indrawati, Hardisem Syabrus


One of the MSMEs in Kampar Regency is Sampurna Micro Enterprises. This micro business is a pineapple chips business engaged in snacks. This study aims to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges using the SWOT Matrix and determine what strategies can be applied to Sampurna Micro Enterprises in Kampar Regency. Data analysis was performed using SWOT analysis. Based on the research results, it was found that the main strengths of Sampurna Micro Enterprises were adequate manpower, adequate availability of raw materials, selling new products, and good and friendly service. The main weaknesses are lack of creativity in terms of product innovation (monotonous), simple means of production, limited business capital, low quality of human resources for both business actors and workforce, not yet having distributors. The main opportunities are government support and attention, the level of availability of labor in the surrounding area, being one of the traditional foods and regional characteristics, purchasing power of consumers who tend to be consumptive, increasing population growth, and the main threat is product competition from neighboring villages and sub-districts. there are many pineapple chips with new innovations, unpredictable consumer tastes, weakening raw material suppliers, competitors selling food products at lower prices. There are five alternative strategies found, namely: two S-O strategies, two S-T strategies, one W-O strategy, and one W-T strategy. The main strategy alternatives found are the S-O strategy, namely by using wider distributor channels and the presence of other flavor variants, and the S-T strategy, which is to improve product quality and provide friendly and comfortable service.


Development Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Perfect Micro Business

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