Pemberdayaan Petugas Kesehatan Dalam Menurunkan Stunting

Cindy Claudia S.A, Iriani Ismail, Netty Dyah Kurniasari


The aim of this research is to determine the impact of empowerment and health workers on stunting. Questionnaires, literature observations, and observations were used as data collection approaches. This research uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach that collects data through questionnaires and uses multiple linear regression analysis to assess the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable, namely empowerment (X1) and health workers (X2) as independent variables and stunting (Y) as a variable. depend. Based on the research findings, empowerment and health workers have a big and good impact on stunting. The Adjusted R Square value of 0.911 or 9.11% with a significant F of 0.001 shows this, as does the partial effect. The empowerment variable turns out to have a stronger influence on other factors in this research, as seen from the Regression Coefficient of 0.280.



Empowerment, Health workers, Stunting

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