Analisis Pengembangan UMKM Go Digital dalam Penyelamatan Ekonomi Indonesia Menghadapi Resesi Ekonomi

Purnama Sari Purba, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti, Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap


MSMEs are one of the companies that play an important role in Indonesia's efforts to reduce unemployment and poverty. However, during the COVID-19 epidemic, MSMEs faced difficulties and various problems, including lower output, difficult distribution, limited capital, sales, raw material supply, workforce reduction or layoffs, and so on. As a result, many MSMEs and consumers have decided to interact digitally rather than in person. Many MSMEs that rely on offline sales have had to close down due to decreased income due to fewer sales. Developing MSMEs is the best way to overcome the problems they face. Due to their growth amidst intense competition and globalization, MSMEs must be able to face various obstacles in order to compete in the digital economy where more and more MSMEs are going digital. Because, MSMEs that grow and develop are MSMEs that have been integrated into the digital ecosystem. The aim of this research is to find out how digital MSMEs are developed in Indonesia and whether they can be used as a means of saving the country's economy from downturn.  This research uses a qualitative approach using library research or often called a literature review study.  By using a literature study approach, all data and information related to research problems that are relevant to the analysis of the development of MSMEs going digital in preventing economic recession in Indonesia are analyzed.  Research findings show that validating ideas, simplifying business plans, following research developments, gaining insight into internet technology, maintaining consistency, and encouraging digital business development are important components of a strategy to help MSMEs go digital.  Apart from that, the creation of digital MSMEs can help Indonesia emerge from the upcoming economic crisis.


MSMEs, Go Digital, Economic Recession

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