Chairuni Nasution, Abdurrahman H. Ketaren, Nana Kartika, M. Ridwan Alfa Reza


As the development of telecommunications and information technology has progressed to such an extent that today it is very different from ten years ago. The use of this technology has encouraged rapid business growth because various information can be presented in a sophisticated and easy to obtain way and through long distance connections by utilizing telecommunications technology it can be used as material for taking the next business steps. The parties involved in the transaction do not need to meet face to face, only through computer and telecommunications equipment. This condition is a sign of the start of the cyber era. Even in gambling itself, with the rapid development of telecommunications and communication systems, it is often known today as online gambling. This research aims to identify and analyze the law enforcement process in eradicating criminal acts of online gambling in Besilam Village, Langkat Regency. The research method used is field research with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews with respondents and participatory observation in the local community.

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