Nelli Murlina, Clara Devina


Introduction: Hypertension increases blood pressure that can cause complications such as stroke and coronary heart disease. Hypertension is the third leading cause of death in Indonesia for all ages, after stroke and tuberculosis. A patient's non-compliance with antihypertensive drugs is one of the significant factors in therapy failure. Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2007 reported the prevalence of hypertension in the population aged 18 years and above reached 31.7% and those taking antihypertensive drugs only 0.4%. The interaction of various factors also plays a role in influencing the compliance of hypertension treatment. Objective: This study aims to identify the relationship of knowledge with medication compliance in hypertensive patients at Sukaramai Medan Health Center. Method: Analytical research, with across-sectional design, i.e., by takingindependentvariable data (knowledge) and dependent variables (Medication Compliance) simultaneously without follow-up.The population of this study is people with hypertension in Sukaramai Medan Health Center. Bivariate analysis to look at the relationship between knowledge and Medication Compliance. The statistical test used is Chi-Square with a value of p < 0.05 showing a meaningful statistical test result. Result: Compliance with hypertension treatment in respondents with a high level of knowledge of 18 respondents (56.2%) was non-compliant, and 14 respondents (43.8%) obeyed. While respondents with a low level of knowledge of 25 respondents (78.1%) were non-compliant, and seven respondents (21.9%) obeyed.Chi-Squareanalysis results obtained value p = 0.062 (p>0.05). Conclusion: There is no relationship between knowledge level and medication compliance in hypertensive patients at Sukaramai Medan Heal


Hypertension, level of knowledge, level of medication compliance

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