Al-Hanif: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak dan Parenting (E-ISSN 2809-3348) by the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra as a medium to publish the results of thoughts and research related to the topic of child education and parenting. Al-Hanif: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak dan Parenting was first published in 2021, with online media. To support online publication, Al-Hanif for the first time used the Open Journal System Platform version 2.4.
Focus and Scope of Al-Hanif: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak dan Parenting, namely research, analysis related to PAUD which includes the scope of child development consisting of moral and religious values, physical-motor, socio-emotional, cognitive, language, art and creativity and parenting early childhood (parenting), then AUD development, AUD Development Psychology, child empowerment, learning, methods, strategies, models, media, PAUD program implementation innovations and various fields related to PAUD.
Al-Hanif: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak dan Parenting indexed by:
Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Desember
Table of Contents
Shofiyatul Maghfiroh, Mukhoiyaroh -
Erika Syafrina
Jil Carissa Pangumbanan Hasibuan
Indria Pratiwi
Suci Purwati
Yanti Novita Harahap, Evicenna Yuris, Riska Oktariani