Effectiveness Of Teaching And Learning Process Results Using A Tpack Based Approach In Yakhada Private Private Primary School, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang District, North Sumatra

Annisa Putri Harahap, Ismail Saleh Nasution


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using a TPACK-based approach which can be seen from the differences in learning outcomes of students who use the TPACK approach and students who do not use a TPACK-based approach in thematic learning for class V theme 6 sub-theme 1 at Yakhada Private Elementary School, Tanjung Perak sub-district. The population in this study was class V students consisting of 44 students. The research sample was selected from the control class and the experimental class. The research sample was taken from the class population, class VA as many as 23 students and class VB as many as 21 students. To test the hypothesis using t-test analysis. The data collection technique used in this research is tests, to analyze data from learning test results using descriptive statistics. The results of this research show that the learning outcomes or average post-test of the control class is 80.9 and the average post-test of the experimental class is 90. The t-test in the experimental class shows that t count is 2.566 > t table 0.018 at a significant level 5 %. Meanwhile, the control class shows that t count is 2.772 > t table 0.012 at a significance level of 5%. Thus, the group of students who received treatment using a TPACKbased approach had a higher average score compared to the group of students whose learning did not use a TPACK-based approach.


TPACK Approach, Learning Outcomes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/ejoes.v3i2.10278


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