Improving Teacher Ability In Implementing The Problem Learning Model Based Instruction (PBI) In Loarning Through Head Academic Supervision School

Hariyani Nirmalasari Harefa


School Action Research aims to improve the abilities of eye teachers lessons use the Problem based Instruction (PBI) model in subjects taught in elementary schools. The research respondents were 15 teachers at SDN 071043 Tetehosi. The research instrument uses a written evaluation sheet, to be used in each cycle. The research was carried out in two cycles with several meetings between the principal and participants to receive academic supervision using the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) model. According of participals data regarding the initial abilities of participants in mastering the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) model at a low average level of around 52, then the Principal’s academic supervision actions in cycle l experienced an increase in participants’ mastery of abilities to an average of 65. 33, this level was still far from the principal’s expectations, then continued with the actions in cycly ll then abilities were evaluated participants with an average result of 78.66. it turns out that through repeated academic supervision actions to introduce new thins to teachers, teachers’ abilities in implementing the Problem based Instruction (PBI) model in elementary school lessons can be increased.


Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Model, teacher Ability

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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