Development of Storybooks to Improve Essay Writing Skills for Class 3 Students at SDN 116897 Hapoltakan Nauli 2021/2022

Bella Alvia, Amin Basri


This study aims to analyze the design of storybook development and the feasibility of storybook development media to improve writing essays by grade 3 students of SDN 116897 Hapoltakan Nauli. The results showed that the development with the ADDIE model could help students improve their skills in composing a story. Students can retell stories that have been discussed in groups in front of the class. The design presented in the story book "Malin Kundang" contains colors that attract readers, illustrations and pictures of both characters, setting, time and atmosphere that appear in the story have an influence on children's memories so they can retell the story. The physical embodiment of Malin Kundang's story book is shown with attractive pictures, pictures with bright colors, appropriate font types and sizes, and narrative stories according to the pictures. The results of the feasibility test of the media used include material expert tests, media experts and linguists. In the material expert test, it scores 48 with an average value of 4, in the media expert test it gets a score of 73 with an average value of 4.5 and in the linguistics test it gets a score of 39 with an average value of 4.8. The results of the standard assessment with student responses are known that the storybook development media used has a percentage value of effectiveness reaching 75%-100% and is said to be effective in improving essay writing skills.


Storybooks, Writing Skills, Malin Kundang, Students.

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