The Effect Of The Use Of Dreambook Media On The Creativity Of Grade Iv Students Of SDN 060870 Medan

Zalfah Sallsah Billah, Risma Sitohang


The problem in this study is due to the low creativity of students in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the use of Dreambook media on the creativity of grade IV students of SDN 060870 Medan. This research was conducted at SDN 060870 Medan. The type of research used is a quasi-experimental research with a control group pretest and posttest design. The sample used in this study is purposive sampling, namely class IV-A as a control class with 25 students and class IV-B as an experimental class with 25 students. The data collection techniques are interviews, tests/evaluations and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test using the t-test formula. The results of this study show that there is an influence on the use of media Dreambook on the creativity of fourth grade students of SDN 060870 Medan. Based on the results of hypothesis test I, results with a significant level of ₐ = 0.05 and (dk) = (n1 + n2) – 2, dk (25 + 25) – 2 = 48 obtained t_(table) = 2. 01 and t_(calculate) = 3.27 which means t_(calculate) > t_(table) which is 3.27 > 2.01 thus Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected so it can be concluded that the use of dreambook media can increase the creativity of grade IV students at SDN 060870 Medan. Hypothesis II with a significant degree of ₐ = 0.05, from the t distribution table obtained a value of t_48 = 2.10. Because the t_ (count) > t_ (table) is 3.27 > 2.10. Based on the results of data analysis and statistical tests and discussions, it can be concluded that the creativity of students who are taught using dreambook media is better than those who are not taught using dreambook media.


Dreambook Media, Student Creativity.

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

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