The Effect Of The Discovery Learning Model On Science Learning Outcomes In Class IV Style And Motion Material Ypi Nur Fadhilah

Fitri Margiani, Indah Pratiwi


This research was conducted on the existence of student problems in the teaching and learning process and also the lack of use of learning models used by educators resulting in low student learning outcomes. This research was conducted to find out how the influence of the Discovery Learning learning model on science learning outcomes in the material of Style and Movement for class IV YPI Nur Fadhilah. The learning model used in this study is the Discovery Learning learning model where the Discovery Learning learning model is a learning model that involves students to be directly active in exploring their own knowledge through observation that has been done. In this study, researchers collected data using multiple choice tests. The data analysis techniques that the researchers used in this study were validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, homogeneity tests, and u-tests or can be called the Mann Whitney test. As for the results of the average value of students using the discovery learning learning model, namely 75.68 % while students using conventional learning models the average value is 65%. From the results of the U-test testing that researchers have done to find out whether there is an effect of using the Discovery learning model Learning before and after using the learning model. Based on the test, it is known that the Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.001 <0.05, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted (Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected). This means that after using the Discovery Learning learning model, it affects science learning outcomes on style and motion material for class IV YPI Nur Fadhilah.


Discovery Learning, Learning Model, Learning Outcomes

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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