The Effect Of The Round Table Type Cooperative Learning Model On Students' Critical Thinking Skills In Grade IV MIS Al-Ikhlasiah Medan

Putri Nabila, Suci Perwita Sari


This research is based on the low critical thinking skills of grade IV students at MIS Al-Ikhlasiah Medan. The purpose of this study is to find out the critical thinking skills of students in the control class, to know the critical thinking skills of students in the experimental class, and to determine the influence of the use of the round table type cooperative learning model on the critical thinking skills of students in grade IV of MIS Al-Ikhalsiah Medan on science learning. This type of research is a research with quantitative data processing. This study using a saturated sampling technique explained that the entire population was used as a sample of 57 students, divided into 29 students in the control class and 28 students in the experimental class. The instrument in this study uses a critical thinking test instrument totaling 10 essay questions, where students do pre and post tests that have been tested for validity and reliability. Based on the results of the research carried out on students in the experimental class (using the round table type cooperative learning model), the average score of students was 85.62, in contrast to the students in the control class (using the think pair and share type cooperative learning model) the average score of students was 70.17. It was stated that the average score of students in the experimental class was higher than the average score of students in the control class. The learning carried out on students in grade IV of MIS Al-Ikhlasiah Medan using a round table type cooperative learning model has a significant impact on students' critical thinking skills. It is proven from the significance value of 0.000 which is 0.000 < 0.05. So it can be concluded in this study that there is an influence of the use of the round table type cooperative learning model on the critical thinking skills of students in grade IV of MIS Al-Ikhlasiah Medan in the implementation of science learning.


Round Table Type Cooperative Model, Critical Thinking

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

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