Assessment Of The Independent Learning Curriculum In Elementary Schools

Sabrina Simbolon


Assessment of learning outcomes can provide evidence in every aspect of learning, both in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. It can also be associated with learning goals. Where the purpose of learning, according to Sadirman, is to form knowledge and skills, students live a certain learning environment system such as critical and creative thinking skills. Some common assessment objectives include, Assessing the abilities of individuals or groups, providing feedback on work results and actions, Assisting in decision-making in the form of appropriate actions and steps based on the results of the evaluation or assessment, Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individuals or groups to develop more effective strategies or programs. Monitor and evaluate the development or progress of students. Making decisions in employee recruitment or promotion. Making decisions in awarding/sanctioning. Freedom of learning encourages the formation of the character of an independent spirit where teachers and students can freely and happily explore the knowledge of Freedom of Learning.


Assesment,Merdeka Belajar,Sekolah Dasar

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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