Improving The Mastery Of Questioning Skills Through Teacher Coaching By The Principal

Sefniwan Harefa


The school action research was focused on a number of teachers who teach at SMP Negeri 6 Idanogawo Nias Regency as research subjects totaling 9 people, as representatives of the members of SMP Negeri 6 Idanogawo Nias Regency. The purpose of the school action research is to improve the ability of teachers to use the question and answer method in the implementation of mathematics learning in schools. The research instrument used observation, the results of the coaching form of writing evaluation used to measure changes in teachers' abilities after receiving guidance in cycles I and II. After coaching, modeling from the Principal. The simulator of fellow teachers can be seen that the teacher's ability in the first cycle reached 76, close to the average of 80. To improve the ability of teachers in the second cycle, retraining is carried out by the Principal through modeling, simulators and at the end of the second cycle, an evaluation of the ability test is carried out to achieve the success target of 83. Based on this, the action of coaching the Principal to master the question and answer method for subject teachers has been good.


Questioning Skills, Teacher Abilities

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

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