PKM Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 PAUD Bagi Guru-Guru LPPTKA-BKPRMI Kota Medan

Nurzannah Nurzannah, Rizka Harfiani


An understanding of the curriculum for educators and education personnel is absolutely necessary, because the curriculum serves as a guide in the implementation of the learning process. The concept of developing 2013 Curriculum Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is important to be understood by teachers because it will affect the learning process that is done especially for students. PKM Development of 2013 PAUD Curriculum for teachers of LPPTKA-BKPRMI is done to improve teacher competency, so that teachers have the ability, especially in preparing learning plans at TKA / TPA where they are assigned. The level of teacher education, which is generally only graduates of Public Secondary Schools or Non-PAUD Graduates, causes limited ability in developing the 2013 PAUD Curriculum. Implementation of the PKM Development of the 2013 PAUD Curriculum in collaboration with the Institute for the Development and Development of Al-Qur'an Kindergarten (LPPTKA) under the auspices of the Indonesian Mosque Youth Youth Communication Board (BKPRMI) of Medan City. The purpose of this PKM is to help teachers prepare themselves for school accreditation programs. The 2013 PAUD Curriculum Development Materials include the Nature of 2013 Curriculum, 2013 Curriculum Study, 2013 Curriculum Development, Preparation of Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), PAUD Learning Methods, Assessment of Learning Outcomes for Early Childhood, School Administration, and Socialization of Accreditation (PNF-PAUD).

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.




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