Analysis of The Performance Solar Desalination Proses With Spray in The Evapoarator Room

Munawar Alfansury Airegar, Wawan Septiawan Damanaik, Sudirman Lubis, Jandri Fan HT Saragi, Arya Rudi Nasution


The shortage of clean water sources on the earth's surface is a concern for the future. Utilization of solar thermal energy is something that can be done to get an environmentally friendly system. Desalination process is a method to produce clean water that is cheap and safe. With the experimental method, the desalination process is tested by providing a working system that considers the materials used and the addition of supporting work tools. The evaporator cover is designed to be made of clear glass with a thickness of 3 mm and an area of 1 m2 with a double slope model with an angle of 15o to the east and west, and was tested for 8 days. The result of the radiation heat transfer coefficient is that the highest convection coefficient outside the evaporator is 97.94 W/m2 on the fourth day and the value of the radiation heat transfer coefficient from the glass surface to the environment is 83.85 W/m2 on the second day. Meanwhile, the highest evaporative heat transfer coefficient was 20.30 W/m2 on day four, the highest convection heat transfer coefficient was 3.08 W/m2 on the first day, and the highest radiation heat transfer coefficient was 13.18 W/m2


Solar Desalination, Solar Collector, spray evaporator


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