Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi

Journal Rekayasa Materila, Manufaktur and Energy (RMME) is published by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU-Medan). RMME is an open-access peer-reviewed publication journal that mediates the dissemination of academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of mechanical engineering. RMME accepts shipments from all over the world, especially from Indonesia.

RMME aims to provide a forum for national and international academics, researchers and mechanical engineering practitioners to publish original articles. All accepted articles will be published and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.

RMME covers materials engineering, energy manufacturing, machinery, electronic instrumentation, automation, control, embedded systems, mechatronics, robotics, electric power, technology, energy storage systems, transmission, energy distribution, new renewable energy, and other related topics.

All published articles will have a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. RMME provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

RMME was first published in September 2018, and on 23 December 2020 it was first accredited by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency with Accredited Rank 4. Starting on Volume 1 No 1 2018 - Volume 4 No 2 2021) and indexed in SINTA 4. The frequency of publication is 2 periods per year, namely in March and September.

07 December 2022, Journal of Material Engineering, Manufacturing and Energy, designated as a SINTA-5 accredited scientific journal, valid for 5 years from Volume 5 Number 1 of 2022 to Volume 9 Number 2 of 2026.

Some of the authors suggested that the RMME Journal articles be published in January and July, this is to adjust the needs of Lecturer Performance Expenses (BKD) reports. Starting in 2024 the RMME Journal will publish scientific articles in January and July.

E-ISSN 2622-7398

Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi  is abstracting & indexing in the following databases: 


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Vol 8, No 1: Januari 2025

RMME Mengundang Artikel Penelitian Bapak Ibu untuk submit, kami tunggu sampai 31 Desember 2024

Table of Contents


Rismauli Novianty Pasaribu, Nukhe Andri Silviana, Ninny Siregar, Susilawati .
01 - 05
Nopita Sucitawati, Abdul Halim Daulay, Miftahul Husnah
Rahmatika Fitri Cahyani, Nazaruddin Nasution, Ridwan Yusuf Lubis
Adella Ayu Putri Pasaribu, Abdul Halim Daulay, Miftahul Husnah
Irin Mayrini, Tomi Abdilah, Supriadi .
Rita Desiasni, Nurul Izzati, Sukarsih ., Muhammad Riski
Andre Yoan Setyanjana, Y. H Yogaswara, Marsono Marsono, Soleh Fajar Junjunan
Akbar Vicky V Walintukan, Helen Riupassa, Hendry Yoshua Nanlohy
Nurma Lenni, Ridwan Yusuf Lubis, Masthura .
muftil badri, Andini Chaerunissa, M. Dalil, Sukemi Indra Saputra
Dinda Agelia Br Situmorang, Ridwan Yusuf Lubis, Miftahul Husnah
Lidya Ananda Talalu, Alexcandro Hibertus Sianipar, Sovian Aritonang
Hilwa Salsabila Lubis, Ridwan Yusuf Lubis, Abdul Halim Daulay
Nabilah A Syabani, Sovian Aritonang
Abdullah Ulwan, Helen Riupassa, Marthina Mini, Suyatno Suyatno
Harold Thijs Nadyo Peday, Jufri Sialana, Marthina Mini, Hendry Y Nanlohy
Nusyirwan Nusyirwan, Yul Hizhar, Adam Malik
I Dewa Made Pancarana, I Made Agus Putrawan, I Made Rai Gunawan
Rahmatullah ., Khairul Umurani, Arfis Amiruddin, Wahyu Kurniawan
Athira Azza, Sovian Aritonang
Khairul Umurani, Rahmatullah Rahmatullah, M. Muharnif, Sri Asfiati, Didik Mei Sandi