Efektivitas Komposit dalam Memperkuat Rompi Anti Peluru

Theofillus Lisa Okta Hertanto, Sovian Aritonang, Riri Murniati


This research examines the effectiveness of bulletproof vests made with composite materials, focusing on carbon fiber. The study finds that the thickness of the carbon fiber and the HGM plastic coating in the vest are crucial factors in enhancing protection against bullet penetration. In some instances, thicker composite materials offer better defense. Furthermore, the use of composites allows for lightweight vests, reducing the physical strain on the wearer. These findings have significant implications for the development of personal protective equipment in various sectors, such as the military, law enforcement, and industries like construction. Enhancing the efficacy of bulletproof vests through the integration of composite materials is a vital stride in enhancing the safety of individuals encountering potential bullet threats.


Bulletproof vest ,Composite material ,Carbon fiber ,Personal protection, Bullet penetration

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Wieliyani, A., Gusti, I., Sanjaya, M., & Kunci, K. Pengembangan Model Komposit Dari Graphene Dengan Polietilena Sebagai Bahan Dasar Rompi Anti Peluru Melalui Metode Komputasi Composite Model Development From Graphene With Polyethylene As The Basic Material Of Bulletproof Vest Using Computational Methods. In UNESA Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 8, Issue 2).2019.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/rmme.v7i1.17325


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