Determination of Qibla Direction on a Ship According to the Falak Science Perspective

Jamalia Permata Sari, Yusrinaldi Rahman Margolang


The rapid development of the times from time to time, the determination of the direction of Qibla on a Sea Ship can be known using a software-based method (Application). The determination of the direction of Qibla is very important for the benefit of Muslims in carrying out fardhu and sunnah worship when they are doing safar or long trips using ship vehicles. the objectives to be achieved in this writing are 1) To know and understand the method of determining the direction of Qibla on board a Ship; and 2) To determine the determination of the direction of Qibla on a Sea Ship Perspective of Falak. The author uses qualitative research types with syar'i and sociological approaches.  The main data collection technique is obtained from the use of the Muslim Pro application in determining the direction of Qibla on board ships. And not only that, the author also uses data collection techniques obtained through other people or from a documentation in the form of written material to complete the data that will be described and analyzed from literature readings that have a relationship with the determination of the direction of Qibla on a Sea Ship from the perspective of Science.

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