Determination of prayer time schedule according to abd. Jalil manaf husaini

Suci Puspita Sari, Muhammad Rivaldy, Syahreza Kurniawan


This research is library research. with primary material, namely, the All Time Prayer Time Schedule according to Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini. Meanwhile, the secondary materials are books related to research. After being concluded and arranged in clear framework, then analyzed using the Content method Analysis. The results of this research are the basis for determining prayer time schedules of all time according to Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini is the end of verse 103 of Surah Al-Nisa' and Surah Yunus verse 5. Meanwhile, the method used by Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini in compiling a prayer time schedule for all time with examine and see  the  sun's  shadow using  a  walking  stick  special'. Determination of the schedule prepared by Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini is there differences and similarities with the prayer time schedule throughout the ages published by the Government (Badan Hisab Rukyat Ministry of Religion Office Riau Province Region) namely, in general, the prayer time schedule has been prepared Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini is always one to two minutes behind the scheduled time prayers  of all time published by the Government  (Badan Hisab Rukyat Ministry of Religion Riau Province Regional Office). While the equation is in compiling a schedule of prayer times throughout Abd's lifetime. Jalil Manaf Husaini and  the  Government  only  include  certain  dates  or  days. From this research the author concludes that the difference is slow one or two minutes is extra time or Ihtiathi Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini. Meanwhile, the prayer time schedule for all times is in published by the Government (Badan Hisab Rukyat Ministry of Religion Office The Riau Province region does not yet include Ihtiathi times. Then Schedule Prayer Times of All Time according to Abd. Jalil Manaf Husaini and Schedule All Time Prayer Times published by the Government (Badan Hisab Rukyat Ministry of Religion Riau Province  Regional  Office)  still  exists  The  disadvantage  is that it only includes times on dates certain.

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