Apakah Urbanisasi Cepat dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Menyebabkan Deforestasi? Studi Empiris di Indonesia

Mohamad Egi Destiartono


This empirical article intends to examine the nexus between rapid urbanization, economic growth, and deforestation in Indonesia by employing annual data from 1980 – 2015, as well as incorporating investment, agriculture, and population factors. he ARDL Bounds-testing was employed with the aims of estimating the dynamic parameters and the presence of cointegration. In the short-run, the results denote that deforestation is generated by per capita GDP growth, FDI, and population growth. However, in the long run, all the variables used, including rapid urbanization and per capita GDP growth are validated to have a positive and significant influence on net deforestation at a 1% confidence level. The results confirm that per capita GDP growth and urbanization are the drivers of deforestation, in line with the theory of the “underlying causes” of forest cover change. Robust integration of urban and national development policies, agricultural intensification, green investment, and improved forest governance is urgently needed to reduce the rate of deforestation.


Urbanization, Economic Growth, Deforestation, Indonesia, ARDL

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/ekonomikawan.v23i2.12232

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