Inflasi dan Stabilitas Ekonomi : Analisis Perbandingan Perspektif Islam dan Konvensional

Anriza Witi Nasution, M. Shabri Abd. Majid


This study aims to analyze comparatively inflation and economic stability between the Islamic perspective and the conventional perspective. This study also compares the inflation rate in countries that apply an interest system and without interest. This research is descriptive qualitative with library research method. The results show that inflation has occurred since the time of the Prophet Muhammad and continues to repeat itself. In an Islamic perspective, prices should be balanced, because money is a medium of exchange and a unit of account. However, economic conditions become unstable because of the difference between supply and demand and the difference in the amount of money with the amount of goods and services. To maintain economic balance, Islam applies the principles of profit sharing, buying and selling, and renting so that the interest system is not involved in the economy. Islamic scholars and economists continue to conduct research to find ways to overcome inflation in order to achieve economic stability, including implementing Islamic fiscal and monetary policies. Countries that apply the interest system in fact experience higher inflation than countries that do not apply the interest system.


Inflation, economic stability, Islamic perspective, conventional perspective

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