Pengaruh Korupsi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia Tahun 2012 – 2022

Ridho Irawan, Irsad Lubis


Corruption has emerged as a serious issue that has long captured attention in Indonesia. Despite numerous efforts to address corruption, the problem persists and affects various aspects of life in the country, notably in the economic sector. Within the economic domain, corruption exerts a substantial impact on Indonesia's economy. Funds that should be allocated for development and community welfare are often misused or embezzled, thereby impeding economic growth and development. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of corruption, domestic investment, and public expenditure on economic growth. The data employed in this research is time series data covering the period from 2012 to 2022. The data, of a secondary nature, is collected from various sources, such as the website of the Transparency International Foundation and the Central Statistics Agency. The findings of this research reveal that domestic investment (PMDN) and government expenditure (G) during the specified period have a positive and significant influence on economic growth (PE). Meanwhile, the number of corruption cases (COR) does not affect economic growth (PE).


Corruption, Economic Growth, Domestic Investment, Government Expenditures

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