Analisis Permintaan Telur Pada IKM Rendang di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Weriantoni Weriantoni


Demand is the number of goods purchased by households, if households are able to buy all the quantities of goods available in the market, then the goods purchased depand on the number of goods available at a certain time. The purpose of this study  was to determine the elasticity of egg demand and the factors that influence the demand for egg in IKM rendang in Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. The method used in this research is to use multiple linear regression analysis model. The data used in this study is primer data. source of data were obtained from direct fieldwork using a questionaire. The results of this study indicate that the price of meat and the price of income is not significant to the demand for meat and price of egg has a significant effect on the demand  for meat in IKM rendang in Lima Puluh Kota Disctrict.


Demand, Elasticity of demand, income, meat price. Lung price.

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