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Buletin Konstitusi merupakan media yang terbit setiap semester guna penyebarluasan (diseminasi) hasil penelitian atau kajian konseptual tentang konstitusi. Buletin Konstitusi terbit dua nomor dalam setahun (April dan Desember). Buletin Konstitusi memuat hasil penelitian atau kajian konseptual (hasil pemikiran) tentang konstitusi, putusan pengadilan serta isu-isu hukum konstitusi dan ketatanegaraan yang belum pernah dipublikasikan di media lain. Buletin Konstitusi ditujukan untuk kalangan pakar, akademisi, praktisi, penyelenggara negara, LSM, serta pemerhati hukum konstitusi dan ketatanegaraan.

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DE LEGA LATA: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum


De Lega Lata is an academic journal published by Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, which includes articles on the scientific research field of Law Sciences, includes the results of scientific research and reviews on selected disciplines within several branches of legal studies (sociology of law, history of law, comparative law, private law, criminal law, procedural law, economic and business law, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, etc).

De Lega Lata was first published in January 2016 with printed ISSN number 2477-653X based on The Decree of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences-Center for Documentation and Scientific Information Number 0005.013/JL.3.02/SK.ISSN/2015.03 and with online ISSN number 2477-7889 based on The Decree of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences-Center for Documentation and Scientific Information Number 0005.124/Jl.3.02/SK.ISSN/2015.03 03.

De Lega Lata: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum published 1 volume with two issues per year (JANUARY and JULY)

ISSN  1693-7619  (print) | ISSN  2580-4170  (online)

DE LEGA LATA: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum is abstracting & indexing in the following databases:

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Inspiring Law Journal

Inspiring Law Journal is a journal published by the Postgraduate Law Doctoral Program at Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra (UMSU). This journal contains studies in the field of law both theoretically and empirically. The focusf this journal is on studies of civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, international law, procedural law and customary law.

Journal of Law Science is published 2 (two) times a year, namely in January and July. The deadline for article submission, for the January edition, is mid-December. Issued in the July issue, the deadline for acceptance articles is mid-June

Journal Titel                 Inspiring Law Journal

ISSN                              3025-1958 (online)

Frequency                   2 issues per year (June and December)

DOI                                **********

Editor-in-Chief             Ismail Koto (Scopus ID: 58572749100)

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NOMOI Law Review

NOMOI Law Rewiew is an academic journal published by Constitutional and Anti-Corruption Studies Center, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, which includes articles on the scientific research field of Law Sciences, includes the results of scientific research and reviews on selected disciplines within several branches of legal studies (sociology of law, history of law, comparative law, private law, criminal law, procedural law, economic and business law, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, etc). Nomoi was first published  in January 2020. Published two (2) numbers in a year (May and November)

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Seminar Nasional Hukum, Sosial dan Ekonomi

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