Lyric Lines in Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension

Natasya Puteri Junaidi, Sunarti Sunarti


This research aims to identify the significant effect of lyric lines to teach students’ reading comprehension. The population was a senior high school in Samarinda. This research employed a quasi-experimental design with treatment in a single group of students. The researchers used SPSS to analyse the data. To find out the result of the standard deviation and the main score of the variables in a single class, the data analysis procedure in this research used inferential statistics. The result showed that Lyric lines significantly enhanced the students’ reading comprehension that was given to a single class and the class had been treated twice, with and without song lyrics. The fact that the second post-test had a mean score (85,364) while this score was higher than first the post-test (76,364). Proved that the lyric lines gave a significant effect which post-test 2 > post-test 1. The paired sample score showed the significant value (2-tailed) is 0.00 < 0.05. In the words, (Ho) was rejected and (Ha) was accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of using learning strategies of lyric lines in enhancing reading comprehension for English lesson.


Lyric Lines; Reading Comprehension; Songs; Teaching; English

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