Implementing The Computer-Based Technology Media to Improve Students' Motivation in Learning Process
Learning media is a tool that is used by someone to facilitate the delivery of material whenteaching. Things like that help teachers and are a solution to make students happy whenlearning and not feel bored. Learning using computer technology learning media is morewidely used now. Some of them were successful but some also failed. The media is expectedto be able to provide concrete experiences, motivation to learn, enhance absorption andretention of student learning. As for that we have conducted practice and interviews related tothis 'Implementing The Computer-Based Technology Media to Improve Students' Motivationin Learning Process' research in three primary schools, they are (1.) SDS Sentosa 10220797,(2.) SDN 065008, and (3.) SDS Jabal Nur 69992640, each student has different opinion aboutthe application of technology that can be used as a reference and introspection to improve theuseof learningthroughcomputer technology/presentationmedia.
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