Perbandingan Kinerja Mesin Pengering Tanpa dan dengan Menggunakan Dessiccant Pada Pengujian Tanpa Beban

Safri Gunawan, Hanapi Hasan, Henry Iskandar, Sapitri Januariansyah, Supriadi -


This study discusses drying process with and without using a desiccant. Conventionally, drying can be done directly (open drying). The weakness of open drying is the risk of exposing the dried material to dust and bacteria. This problem can be overcome by drying indirectly by paying attention to the temperature and humidity factors in the drying machine. Humidity during the drying process is a factor that influences how quickly the drying process occurs. What can be used to reduce the humidity level in the air is to provide a desiccant to reduce the water vapor level during the drying proces. The aim of this study is to test the drying cabinet with and without using desiccant to determine the performance of the drying cabinet during the drying process. The method used in this research was to carry out experimental testing. The result saw that there was effect of using desiccant. It reduced the humidity of drying room and improve the performance of drying rate.

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