Research on the characterization of the physical properties of Eucalyptus oil from Eucalyptus grandisenzimatically using achatina fulica snail enzymes has been carried out to obtain a method suitable for volatile essential oils. This study uses the (RAL) method using two factorial. Factor 1 is the particle size consisting of 4 treatment vis, U1= 20 mesh, U2= 40 mesh, U3= 60 mesh, U4 80 mesh. Factor 2 is maceration time which consis of 4 treatments viz, M1= 2 days, M2= 3 days, M3= 4 days, M4= 5 days. The parameters observed were yield, specific gravity, refractive indeks, and aroma. From the results of the statistical analysis on each maceration time parameter gives a very significant effect (p<0,01) on the yield value, specific gravity, refractive index, and scent. Particle size gives a very significant effect (p<0,01) on yield value, specific gravity, refractive indeks, and scent.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/agrintech.v3i2.5806
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