Implementation of AstroCamp Data with Besselian Elements Towards Solar Eclipse Hisab

Muhammad Yusron, Muhammad Zakiyyul Amin, Ahmad Ihsan Alwi


Ephemeris is the main reference calculation for the Falak science in solar eclipses calculation, the data can be obtained from various sources, one of which is from the AstroCamp program by Muhammad Faqih Taufiq. There are several eclipse calculation methods using Ephemeris data, ranging from low-accuracy to high-accuracy calculations. The Ephemeris are used continuously to find Bessel Elements in the solar eclipse calculation. Currently, the calculation of solar eclipses using Besselian Elements data is considered the most powerful calculation method regarding eclipse prediction. This study aims to determine the accuracy of Ephemeris data from AstroCamp which is processed into Bessel elements in the solar eclipses calculation. To determine the accuracy of these calculations, researchers conducted qualitative research on the Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023, with a comparative approach to analyze the accuracy of the calculations. The result shows that the solar eclipse estimate obtained from calculations utilizing the Bessel Element of the AstroCamp Ephemeris has a significant difference between NASA predictions and the reality of the eclipse.

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