The Role of Astronomy and Islamic Philosophical Wisdom through Muslim Philosophical Thought in Understanding the Phenomena of the Universe
The study of the role of astronomy and the wisdom of Islamic philosophy in understanding the phenomena of the universe has become an important subject in the dialog between science and religion. Astronomy, with its critical and empirical methods, has provided a deep understanding of the structure and dynamics of the universe. On the other hand, the wisdom of Islamic philosophy, especially through Muslim philosophical thought, offers a deeper perspective on the meaning and purpose behind the phenomena of the universe. It provided a conceptual framework for understanding the universe. Concepts such as tawhid (the oneness of God), fitrah (nature), and 'ilm al-kalam (the science of theology) help in explaining the essential relationship between creator and creation. In addition, Muslim philosophical thought also highlights the ethical and moral aspects of man's relationship with the universe. The integration of astronomy and Islamic philosophical wisdom brings great benefits in deepening man's understanding of the universe and his place in it. This integration not only enriches intellectual insights but also expands the spiritual dimension of man. Conceptual analysis method to be able to analyze key concepts in astronomy and Islamic philosophy, such as tawhid, fitrah, and hikmah, to understand how they interact with each other and contribute to human understanding of the universe.
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