The Role of Islamic Education in the Family Environment

Fajar Satria Putra, Amirudin Amirudin, Iqbal Amar Muzaki


Education in the family is an important aspect in shaping one's behavior. In general, education in the family is done by instilling religious values, ethics which include manners, ways, behaviors that must be done in everyday life. This writing aims to identify and discuss the role of Islamic religious education in the family and society. This writing method is a literature review with a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that the role of Islamic religious education is: (1) the foundation in the family to shape children's behavior and morals and know the limits of good and bad, (2) serves to form human beings who believe and are devoted to Allah SWT, (3) the main foundation and play a role in moral education for the development of Indonesian society as a whole, (4) making the family a source of reward, (5) holding fast to its role


Family; Environment; Education

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