Education of the Salafi Dakwah in Changing the Worldview of the People in the Village of Sapugarabree, Sumbawa West District
The study aims to analyze the impact of the Salafi movement's education on the mentality and life views of the people in Sapugarabree Village, Sumbawa West District, NTB. The Salafi movement, as a current in Islam with different beliefs and practices from the majority of the Muslim community in Indonesia, has generated a rejection of the culture, religion, and social life in the village that is considered to deviate from the original teachings of Islam (bid’ah). The research method used is qualitative-descriptive with a field study approach. Data is collected through interviews and literary analysis to understand the change in mentality that occurs. The results of the research show that the Salafi movement has influenced Sapugarabree people's thinking through various approaches, such as study, open discussion, musollah building, and foundations. Despite this, the Sapugarabree people have different reactions to Salafi teachings. Some people accept them, while others reject them because they are considered too dogmatic and narrow. The Salafi movement has been able to significantly change the worldview of people about culture, religion, and social life. This research provides further understanding of the dynamics of change in society associated with the influence of the Salafi movement, with implications that the approach to worship and education needs to be adapted to be more acceptable to the diverse layers of society.
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