Implementation Of Affective Learning Assessment At MA Al-Mahdi Pabuaran

Devi Anggara Heriansyah, Enung Nugraha, Wahyu Hidayat


Affective learning assessment becomes an important element in the educational process to understand and promote the emotional and social development of students. This study aims to analyze the implementation of affective learning assessment in MA Al-Mahdi Pabuaran through a qualitative approach. Qualitative research methods are used to explore the perceptions and experiences of teachers and students regarding the affective assessment process in the educational environment. By collecting data through in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis, this study evaluated the effectiveness of affective assessment methods applied in schools. This study aims to analyze the implementation of affective learning assessment in MA Al-Mahdi Pabuaran through a qualitative approach. The results of this study show that affective assessment is beneficial for the development of student behavior towards a better direction and provides deeper insight into effective strategies in assessing students' affective aspects and provides recommendations for improving affective assessment practices in similar educational institutions. In this study, it can be seen that the implementation of affective learning assessment at MA Al-Mahdi Pabuaran has been carried out as it should. This can be seen from the application of several steps in the implementation of affective assessment at MA Al-Mahdi Pabuaran such as learning planning, application of Affective Assessment instruments, Implementation of Observations, assessment and scores and Implementation of Learning Process Evaluation. Thus, this research is expected to make an important contribution to the development of a more holistic and sustainable affective assessment approach in Islamic educational institutions.


Affective Assessment; MA Al-Mahdi.

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