The Existence of Dakwah Aisyiyah In Realizing Commitment To Strengthening Family Resistance

Hamidahhasah Tohma, Mavianti Mavianti, Rizka Harfiani


Aisyiyah as a women's organization in Muhammadiyah which was founded on May 19, 1927 AD is an organization engaged in the social, educational, religious and health fields. Even as time goes by, the Aisyiyah organization continues to grow and provide benefits for the dignity of women. The establishment of thousands of kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools to tertiary institutions is a concrete manifestation of the existence of the Aisyiyah organization. This study uses a qualitative approach. This qualitative research process involves important efforts, such as asking questions and procedures for collecting data from participants, analyzing data, and interpreting the meaning of data. The data collection technique uses observation and literature study while the data analysis technique is to describe in a narrative way all the data obtained. The results obtained are that Aisyiyah has an identity, vision and mission. During movement’s, Aisyiyah has implemented three programs, namely empowerment, health and education. The movement carried out by Aisyiyah certainly provides space for women to empower themselves. The existence of Aisyiyah's da'wah in realizing the commitment to strengthening family resilience, one of which is realized by the existence of the Bikksa institution, the role of Bikksa in assisting efforts to maintain and enhance marital values, preventing arbitrary divorce and trying to create a happy and prosperous household according to teachings Islam. This is in accordance with Bikksa's goal of helping organization cadres both individually and as a family to solve problems faced in family management in order to achieve a good family.

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