The Influence Of Islamic Treatments On Individual Health And Wellbeing

Masnih binti Mustapa, Mohd Safarudin bin Rahim, Khairul Azwani bin Ahinin, Muhammad Yusuf Marlon Abdullah, Mustafa Kamal Amat Misra


This study aims to identify the influence of Islamic practices such as prayer, remembrance and worship on the health and well-being of individuals. Literature highlights show that spiritual practices in Islam can reduce stress and help improve well-being. This study uses a qualitative approach through a literature review to analyze the implications of Islamic practices on physical and mental health. The main findings show that there is a positive relationship between Islamic spiritual practices and stress reduction, increased calmness, and individual well-being. The results of this study are expected to increase understanding of the benefits of Islamic practice in holistic self-development that includes physical and spiritual aspects. However, further research with a quantitative approach is recommended to measure the impact more objective and empirical.


Treatment; Islam; Health; Well-being

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