Arabic Language Matriculation Program for High School Tenth Grade Students Based on Boarding School (A Case Study of Ummul Quro al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School)

Moh. Ibrahim, Abbas Mansur Tamam


The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the concept of Arabic language matriculation and its implementation at Ummul Quro al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School, including the urgency, objectives, planning, organization, implementation, and evaluation of the Arabic language matriculation program. The research method employed is field research, involving the researcher as the main instrument at the Islamic Boarding School. Based on the findings of the research conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that the Arabic Language Matriculation Program at Ummul Quro al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School begins with the establishment of the learning program. The learning program used at Ummul Quro al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School is adopted from Ummul Quro University in Saudi Arabia. The second step is the preparation of teaching materials. In general, the Arabic language learning program at Ummul Quro al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School consists of ten subjects, namely Nahwu, Shorof, Al-Mutholaah Al-Haditsah, Durus Al-Lughoh, Al-Qiroah Ar-Rosyidah, Al-Insya', and Al-Mahfudot, Al-Idhof, Al-Imla' Khot, and Al-Insya'. In conclusion, the researcher states that the Arabic language matriculation program model at Ummul Qura al-Islamy has been running for several months. The program involves 10th-grade students from the senior high school and is conducted every Saturday from after Maghrib until before Maghrib the next day. During the program, students reside in the ma'ahad. The subjects taught include Al-Arabiyyah, At-Tadribat, and Hifdzul Mufradat. Lastly, the organization of the Arabic Language Matriculation Program in 10th-grade high school based on the Boarding School system.



Matriculation; Arabic Language; Boarding School.

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