Evaluation of Islamic Education: Multi, Inter, dan Transdisciplinary (Philosophical, Theoretical, and Practical)

Umar Umar, Ridhahani Fidzi, Jamal Syarif, Agustina Rahmi


From the Introduction about the meaning of Education, Islam and Evaluation, the author is interested in researching and writing more about (the most interesting) Evaluation of Multi, Inter, Transdisciplinary (MIT) Islamic Education (IE) Philosophically, Theoretically, and Practical. This research approach is a qualitative. The type of this qualitative research is descriptive. This type of research is library. Below the author writes the results and conclusions of the research. The author writes about the meaning of MIT. Philosophical IE is related to the Goals of IE and the Function of Evaluation. Among the aims is to form al-Insan al-Kamil (complete human being) who has 2 dimensions (horizontal dialectical and vertical submission) to the mastery of attitudes, skills, and knowledge-understanding. In relation to the Evaluation Function (EF), that meaning is to assess, measure, motivate, and encourage students to be more serious and successful in the framework of achieving the goals of Islamic education. Theoretical Evaluation of Islamic Education is related to 3 (aspects) of Educational Evaluation Objects (input, transformation, and output) and more specific EF for educators, students, and society. Practical Evaluation of IE practically is related to the 7 Practical EF. For evaluation of MIT Islamic education philosophically, theoretically and practically, according to the author, the discussion above regarding evaluation, EE or evaluation of IE philosophically, theoretically and practically just needs to be linked to the MIT discussion. The author also writes examples linked to Multidisciplinary Evaluation and linked to PAI to be more specific. A number of PAI Assessment Forms, Multidisciplinary Approaches or Perspectives that can be used can be adapted from the Curriculum Integration Model that Fogarty developed according to the integration characteristics that are the focus or emphasis. The examples are the Core Competencies and Basic Competencies of Islamic Religious Education and Characters for Junior High School / MTs Class VII. Those core are spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge, and skills.


Evaluation; Islamic Education; Theoretical; Practical.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/19485


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